We consider equiprobable schemes of allocating $n$ indistinguishable and distinguishable
particles to $N$ distinguishable cells. Under the condition that $n,N\to\infty$ so that
$N-k\to\infty$ and
where $\alpha_0$, $\alpha_1$ are constants, we arrive at asymptotic expansions
in local theorems on large deviations which approximate the probabilities
$\mathsf P\{\theta_r(n,N)=k\}$ and $\mathsf P\{\mu_r(n,N)=k\}$, where
$\theta_r(n,N)$ and $\mu_r(n,N)$ are the random variables equal to
the number of cells with exactly $r$ particles each in the schemes under consideration,
$r$ is fixed.