We consider a problem of discrete optimal filtering: using the symbols
of an observed binary sequence $\{\eta_{t}\}$, to construct a binary
sequence $\{w_{t}^*\}$ which is in a sense the best estimate
of a non-observable
deterministic (non-random) binary sequence $\{\vartheta_{t}\}$ related
to the sequence $\{\eta_{t}\}$ by the equalities
\eta _{t}= \xi_{t}\oplus \vartheta _{t},
where $\{\xi_{t}\}$ is a random stationary binary sequence
and $\oplus$ means the addition modulo 2.
We demonstrate an applications of the discrete optimal filtering
in the cases where the sequence $\{\vartheta_{t}\}$ is an encoded
facsimile or television image transmitted through some channel
with noise.