Solving problems of analysis and optimization of computing programs in
algorithmic systems is complicated by non-recursiveness of
functional properties of programs. According to Rice's theorem, in a universal
programming language any property of programs which depends only on the
functions computed by them is algorithmically undecidable. Therefore the
following approach is used. The initial complex semantics $\sigma$ of programs
is replaced by a simpler semantics $\omega$ or by a class of semantics
$\Omega$. If the satisfiability of some property of programs in the semantics
$\omega$, or in each of semantics of the class $\Omega$, implies its
satisfiability in the semantics $\sigma$, then we say that the semantics
$\omega$, or the class $\Omega$, approximates $\sigma$ with respect to this
property. If for a given semantics $\sigma$ we choose a suitable
approximation, in which the property of programs under investigation is
algorithmically decidable, then it is possible to construct an effective
procedure which partly solves the problem of analysis of functional
properties of programs in the semantics $\sigma$. One of the central problems of theoretical programming is the problem of
functional equivalence of programs, and the present paper is devoted to
the study of approximation of semantics with respect
to this property of programs.