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JOURNALS // Diskretnaya Matematika // Archive

Diskr. Mat., 1997 Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 20–35 (Mi dm489)

This article is cited in 1 paper

Probability distributions on a linear vector space over a Galois field and on sets of permutations

V. N. Sachkov

Abstract: We give the exact and limit distributions of the number of vectors from a union of subspaces of the $n$-dimensional vector space $V_n$ over the Galois field $GF(q)$ which enter into a random set of $d$, $1\le d\le n$, linearly independent vectors of this space. We prove that the random variable equal to the number of positions of a random equiprobable permutation which are non-discordant to a $d$-restriction of $m$ pairwise discordant permutations of degree $n$ has in limit, as $n\to\infty$ and $m$ is fixed, the Poisson distribution with parameter $m$. As a consequence we obtain a simple proof of the asymptotic formula for the number of $m\times n$ Latin rectangles where $m$ is fixed and $n\to\infty$.

UDC: 519.2

Received: 11.03.1997

DOI: 10.4213/dm489

 English version:
Discrete Mathematics and Applications, 1997, 7:4, 327–343

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