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JOURNALS // Diskretnaya Matematika // Archive

Diskr. Mat., 1995 Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 121–128 (Mi dm593)

This article is cited in 1 paper

On a strongly regular graph with the parameters $(64,18,2,6)$

A. A. Makhnev

Abstract: We consider non-directed graphs without loops and multiple edges. A strongly regular graph with parameters $(v,k,\lambda,\mu)$ is the graph with $v$ vertices such that for any vertex $a$ its neighbourhood $[a]$ consists of $k$ vertices and any edge is adjacent to exactly $\lambda$ common vertices and any non-edge is adjacent to exactly $\mu$ vertices. We prove that the strongly regular graph with parameters $(64,18,2,6)$ is geometric.

UDC: 519.14

Received: 30.07.1991

 English version:
Discrete Mathematics and Applications, 1995, 5:5, 463–472

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