We suggest a method to synthesise easily testable circuits of functional elements
over the basis $\{\&,\vee,\bar{\vphantom{x}}\,\}$ which realise Boolean functions
such that at most $h$ variables occur both with and without negation
in their disjunctive normal forms.
Constant faults of type $1$ at outputs of elements are allowed.
It is proved that a complete test for such circuits is of length at most $h$.
This research was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant
02–01–00985; by the program of the President of Russian Federation for supporting
leading scientific schools, grant 1087.2003.1; by the program ‘Universities of
Russia;’ and by the program of basic research of the Department of Mathematical
Sciences ‘Algebraic and Combinatoric Methods of Mathematical Cybernetics.’