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JOURNALS // Dal'nevostochnyi Matematicheskii Zhurnal // Archive

Dal'nevost. Mat. Zh., 2024 Volume 24, Number 1, Pages 133–140 (Mi dvmg537)

Extremal problems for quasi-stationary equations of complex heat transfer with Fresnel coupling conditions

A. Yu. Chebotarev

Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok

Abstract: The analysis of optimal control problems for a nonlinear system simulating unsteady complex heat transfer with Fresnel coupling conditions on refractive index discontinuity surfaces is considered. Estimates for the solution of the initial-boundary value problem, the solvability of control problems are presented, and optimality conditions leading to the relay nature of optimal control are derived.

Key words: quasi-stationary complex heat transfer equations, Fresnel conjugation conditions, optimal control problems, optimality system, property “bang–bang”.

UDC: 517.95

MSC: Primary 35J61; Secondary 35Q79

Received: 06.03.2023
Accepted: 24.05.2024

DOI: 10.47910/FEMJ202412

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025