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JOURNALS // Eurasian Mathematical Journal // Archive

Eurasian Math. J., 2018 Volume 9, Number 1, Pages 40–68 (Mi emj286)

Least squares estimator asymptotics for vector autoregressions with deterministic regressors

K. T. Mynbaev

International School of Economics, Kazakh-British Technical University, Tolebi 59, Room 419, 050035 Almaty, Kazakhstan

Abstract: We consider a mixed vector autoregressive model with deterministic exogenous regressors and an autoregressive matrix that has characteristic roots inside the unit circle. The errors are $(2+\epsilon)$-integrable martingale differences with heterogeneous second-order conditional moments. The behavior of the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator depends on the rate of growth of the exogenous regressors. For bounded or slowly growing regressors we prove asymptotic normality. In case of quickly growing regressors (e.g., polynomial trends) the result is negative: the OLS asymptotics cannot be derived using the conventional scheme and any diagonal normalizer.

Keywords and phrases: time-series regression, asymptotic distribution, OLS estimator, polynomial trend, deterministic regressor.

MSC: 46N30, 97K80

Received: 06.10.2016
Revised: 01.02.2017

Language: English

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025