The ignition of various wood species by exposure to the radiation of a DKsR-10000 xenon lamp was investigated. Time dependences of ignition delay on the radiant energy intensity were obtained for various wood species: cedar, larch, pine, birch, and aspen. The effect of the initial temperature and moisture content of wood on the ignition time was studied. The ignition temperature of pine and birch wood for various radiant energy intensities was determined by an optical method. It is shown that the ignition time of pine wood decreased by a factor of 1.5–2 as the initial temperature of samples was increased by 100 degrees. It was found that the ignition temperature of wood increased with increasing radiant flux density and depended on the wood species. Increasing the wood moisture content by a factor of 10 increased its ignition time by more than 50%.
Keywords:radiant energy flux, wood, surface temperature, ignition time.