The luminosity of the shock front in perfluorinated decalin, triethylamine, tributylamine, toluene, and transformer oil is measured, as well as the luminosity of the substance at the contact boundary of these compounds with window materials that retain optical transparency behind the shock-wave front. The temperatures corresponding to the measured luminosity are compared to the values calculated under the assumptions of conservation and destruction of the initial compound behind the wave front. Destruction of perfluorinated alkylamines and alkanes is observed at temperatures higher than 2000–2200 K and is associated with breaking of bonds between carbon atoms. In the case of destruction of the initial compound behind the shock-wave front, the temperatures of the front and the substance behind the front are different. This is explained by screening of the final product from the side of the luminescence front by layers of the substance with incomplete transformation.
Keywords:perfluorinated compounds, Hugoniot adiabats (shock adiabats), luminosity of shock waves, temperatures and transformations of the substance behind the shock-wave front.