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JOURNALS // Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva // Archive

Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 1997 Volume 33, Issue 1, Pages 12–23 (Mi fgv2525)

Simulation of nitric oxide formation in combustion of methane-air mixtures

V. A. Levin, A. N. Khmelevskiĭ, G. D. Smekhov

Institute of Mechanics of the Moscow State University, Moscow 119899

Abstract: Simulation of nitric-oxide (NO) formation in a quasi-one-dimensional constant-pressure chemical reactor has been performed. The oxide yield in the reactor for various initial mixtures was calculated. The mechanisms of NO formation in chemically reacting systems are described. Four groups of reactions responsible for individual stages of the oxidation and various routes of NO formation in the oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen are distinguished. A method of integration of the system of kinetic equations that makes it possible to determine the contribution of individual reactions and groups of reactions to the production of the given component is proposed. The reactions providing maximum contributions to the formation and removal of NO molecules are determined. The role of individual routes of nitric-oxide formation is established.

UDC: 536.46

Received: 22.01.1996
Accepted: 17.06.1996

 English version:
Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 1997, 33:1, 9–18

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