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JOURNALS // Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva // Archive

Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 1993 Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 164–170 (Mi fgv3101)

This article is cited in 2 papers

Fourth International Seminar on Flame Structure, Novosibirsk, August, 18-21, 1992

Plane initiation of a detonation

N. V. Bannikov, A. A. Vasil'ev


Abstract: The conditions for exciting a plane detonation wave were experimentally observed to be independent of the initial [gas] pressure. The explanation is based on the concept that impacts of transverse waves play a leading role in initiating and propagating the detonation. The dimension of the effective zone which is responsible for initiating the detonation is close to the dimension of the chemical [energy] peak. Formulas are presented for estimating the energy equivalent of the initiator, based on the concept of transforming the plane detonation wave into a spherical, cylindrical, or plane detonation by diffracting the initial wave by convex angle. The basic analytical conclusions of the concept are confirmed by experiment.

UDC: 536.46+534.222.2+661.215.1

 English version:
Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 1993, 29:3, 409–414

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