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JOURNALS // Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva // Archive

Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 1991 Volume 27, Issue 6, Pages 131–134 (Mi fgv3472)

Explosion of a cylindrical charge above a rigid surface

B. P. Gerasimov, V. A. Levin, T. I. Rozhdestvenskaya, S. A. Semushin


Abstract: We investigated the explosion of a cylindrical charge, which lies on a rigid surface or is positioned at some height above it. The explosion is modeled by the jump between the background and the region occupied by gas at a high pressure, density, and temperature. In an analogous formulation, the explosion from the Tunguska meteorite impact [1–4] was modeled by spherical and cylindrical explosive waves which consider the gravitational back pressure. Explosions from charges with nontraditional shapes have been studied [5–8]. Reflections of an explosive wave from a point charge from a rigid surface have been examined [9–10]. A more complete review of investigations on the spatial effects of forming propagating explosive waves can be found in [11].

UDC: 517.9:533.7

Received: 18.10.1990

 English version:
Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 1991, 27:6, 770–773

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025