aNingbo Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, 315048, Ningbo, China bNingbo Branch of Institute of Metal Materials, 315013, Ningbo, China
Natural fragmentation of steel cylinders with different charge sizes is investigated, and the correlation of different cylinders is proposed. The Mott fragment distribution has some obvious shortcomings, including the difficulty of accurately determining the number of fragments. Besides, there is no unified and convenient method to describe the fragmentation behavior of shells with different structures. The results show that the fragmentation behavior of the cylinder is self-similar statistically and can be characterized by a new integrated linear formula $C_L = a+b(C/M)$. Due to the existence of the end face and the charge clearance, the fragmentation performance of the cylinder is reduced to a constant value, and the effect of the wall thickness is small. The influence of the end face and charge clearance on fragmentation is investigated by 3D simulations, and the numerical results ensure good validation of the experimental data.
Keywords:fragment distribution, normalized Payman fragmentation parameter, end face effect, charge clearance.