On a pulsed gas detonation apparatus (PGDA) at initial atmospheric pressure, a study was made of the process of initiation and detonation in acetylene-oxygen mixtures $\mathrm{C}_2\mathrm{H}_2+k\mathrm{O}_2$, including those with a low content of oxygen near the upper concentration limit of detonation. The cell sizes, detonation velocities, and pressures in the detonation products were measured in the range $k$ from zero to unity, and the composition of the detonation products was calculated. The upper limits of detonation in IGDA barrels with diameters of $14$, $26$, $46$, and $104$ mm and the volume of booster charges required to initiate detonation in the limiting modes are found. With regard to hydrogen energy, the technological chain methane $\to$ acetylene $\to$ hydrogen + nanosized detonation carbon is considered and an assessment is made of the characteristics of PGDA as a hydrogen generator.