When using the method of multipoint initiation of the side surface of a cylindrical charge in a section perpendicular to the axis, a detonation wave with a complex gas-dynamic structure is formed, which has the shape of a polygon with vertices at the points of wave conjugation. The sides of the polygon are always convex towards the charge axis. To obtain a smooth cylindrical detonation wave with reverse curvature, it is proposed to use special devices at the points of initiation – lenses made of an inert material. The dynamic characteristics of the material are experimentally determined, and the method for constructing the lens profile is substantiated. Mathematical modeling of the operation of the node of initiation and formation of a cylindrical detonation wave in a charge has been carried out. The features of the operation of a single initiating node and a node that is part of the experimental assembly are shown. The dynamics of axisymmetric compression by a converging detonation wave is presented and compared with calculations.
Keywords:detonation wave, front curvature, shock wave, explosive, mathematical modeling, equation of state.