A software system is developed for solving an adjoint problem for modeling intrachamber processes of an axisymmetric solid-propellant charge attached to the casing. This system predicts intraballistic, strength, and gas-dynamic characteristics of the rocket engine during the full cycle of its operation. The study of the computed and experimental intraballistic characteristics demonstrates qualitatively new capabilities of the computational method and reveals some interesting features of internal ballistics of the solid-propellant rocket motor. Reduction or elimination of fitting coefficients in the predicted law of the propellant burning rate and reduction of the number of engine tests necessary for studying the characteristics are justified. It is shown that gas-dynamically stable operation of the engine is determined by Young’s modulus of the propellant.
Keywords:adjoint problem “gas dynamics-deformation-combustion-geometry”, fitting coefficients, burning rate law, burning charge surface, scatter of pressure in the engine, casing deformability, Young’s modulus of the propellant.