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JOURNALS // Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika // Archive

Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 2007 Volume 13, Issue 6, Pages 121–130 (Mi fpm1084)

Strebel differentials on families of hyperelliptic curves

I. V. Artamkina, Yu. A. Levitskayab, G. B. Shabatc

a Moscow State Institute of Radio-Engineering, Electronics and Automation (Technical University)
b M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
c Russian State University for the Humanities

Abstract: Our paper is devoted to Strebel pairs on families of hyperelliptic curves. We provide a complete proof of the fact that constructed differentials are Strebel and point out the connections between the introduced constructions and classical objects of complex algebraic geometry.

UDC: 512.7+515.162

 English version:
Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York), 2009, 158:1, 87–93

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