We advocate a systematic study of continuous analogs of finite partially ordered sets, convex polytopes, oriented matroids, arrangements of subspaces, finite simplicial complexes, and other combinatorial structures. Among the illustrative examples reviewed are an Euler formula for a class of “continuous convex polytopes” (conjectured by Kalai and Wigderson), a duality result for a class of “continuous matroids,” a calculation of the Euler characteristic of ideals in the Grassmannian poset (related to a problem of G.-C. Rota), an exposition of the “homotopy complementation formula” for topological posets and its relation to the results of S. Kallel and R. Karoui about “weighted barycenter spaces”, and a conjecture of Vassiliev about simplicial resolutions of singularities. We also include an extension of the index inequality (Sarkaria's inequality) based on interpreting diagrams of spaces as continuous posets.