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1 paper
An interlacing theorem for matrices whose graph is a given tree
C.-M. da Fonseca University of Coimbra
$A$ and
$B$ be
$(n\times n)$-matrices. For an index set
$S\subset\{1,\ldots,n\}$, denote by
$A(S)$ the principal submatrix that lies in the rows and columns indexed by
$S$. Denote by
$S'$ the complement of
$S$ and define
$\eta(A,B)=\sum\limits_S\det A(S)\det B(S')$, where the summation is over all subsets of
$\{1,\ldots,n\}$ and, by convention,
$\det A(\varnothing)=\det B(\varnothing)=1$. C. R. Johnson conjectured that if
$A$ and
$B$ are Hermitian and
$A$ is positive semidefinite, then the polynomial
$\eta(\lambda A,-B)$ has only real roots. G. Rublein and R. B. Bapat proved that this is true for
$n\leq3$. Bapat also proved this result for any
$n$ with the condition that both
$A$ and
$B$ are tridiagonal. In this paper, we generalize some little-known results concerning the characteristic polynomials and adjacency matrices of trees to matrices whose graph is a given tree and prove the conjecture for any
$n$ under the additional assumption that both
$A$ and
$B$ are matrices whose graph is a tree.