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JOURNALS // Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika // Archive

Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 2005 Volume 11, Issue 4, Pages 237–247 (Mi fpm855)

On multivalued topologies on $L$-powersets of multivalued sets

A. P. Shostak

University of Latvia

Abstract: Given an $M$-valued equality $E\colon X\times X\to M$ on a set $X$, we extend it to the $M$-valued equality $\mathcal E\colon L^X\times L^X\to M$ on the $L$-powerset $L^X$ of $X$, where $L$ is a complete sublattice of a GL-monoid $M$. As a result, we come to a category $\mathbf{SET}(M, L)$ whose objects are quadruples $(X,E,L^X,\mathcal E)$. This category serves as a ground category for the category $L\text{-}\mathbf{TOP}(M)$ of $(L,M)$-valued topological spaces and some of its subcategories, which are the main subject of this paper. In particular, as special cases, we obtain here Chang–Goguen, Lowen, Kubiak–Šostak, and some other known categories related to fuzzy topology.

UDC: 510.6+515.12

 English version:
Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York), 2007, 144:5, 4527–4534

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