The results of a study of a polymer composite material that can be used as a material for long-term protection of astronauts from radiation exposure in space are presented. The calculation of the linear attenuation coefficient of gamma quanta has been carried out. At the energy of gamma quanta $E$ = 0.08 MeV the value of the linear attenuation coefficient is 490.62 cm$^{-1}$, and at the energy $E$ = 1.252 MeV the coefficient is only 0.26 cm$^{-1}$. The results of the experimental effect of proton radiation on the polymer composite under study are presented. Irradiation was carried out with a proton beam at the phasotron of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna. During irradiation, we additionally used an aluminum plate 4 mm thick, polyethylene 5 cm thick, and a water absorber of different sizes. The values of absorbed (DETD (H$_2$O) = 17 $\pm$ 1 mGy) and equivalent dose (HETD (H$_2$O) = 239 $\pm$ 7 mSv) of secondary particles behind local protection made of a polymer composite were calculated.
Keywords:polymer composite, protection from cosmic radiation, linear attenuation coefficient of gamma quanta, irradiation with a proton beam.