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JOURNALS // Fizika Tverdogo Tela // Archive

Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 2024 Volume 66, Issue 8, Pages 1397–1402 (Mi ftt10406)


Modification of the technique and main characteristics of piezoelectric ceramics BiScO$_3$–PbTiO$_3$

E. G. Guka, E. P. Smirnovaa, V. N. Klimovb, P. A. Pankratieva, N. V. Zaitsevaa, A. V. Sotnikova, E. E. Mukhina

a Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
b Prometei Central Research Institute of Structural Materials, St. Petersburg, Russia

Abstract: A modified technique for ceramics manufacturing without forced cooling from high-temperature first stage to the low-temperature second stage is proposed. The effect of the cooling regime between two sintering stages on the piezoelectric constants was investigated.This method was used to synthesize high-temperature piezoelectric ceramics 0.36BiScO$_3$–0.64PbTiO$_3$. Structural and piezoelectric parameters of ceramics were studied. It is shown that the obtained ceramics have a tetragonal structure $(P4mm)$ and a composition close to the morphotropic phase boundary, just like the solid solution synthesized by traditional one-step technique. Ceramics synthesized by modified technique are characterized by high density, up to 97% of theoretical value. The average grain sizes of ceramics are in the range of 0.8–1.0 $\mu$m. The obtained value of the piezoelectric constant $d_{33}$ of samples synthesized by the modified technique reaches 525 pC/N.

Keywords: piezoelectric ceramics, two step sintering method, optimization.

DOI: 10.61011/FTT.2024.08.58606.123

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025