Layered magnetic films of Co–P alloy, which are sets of laminates with certain atomic and chemical structures, have been investigated by spin-wave resonance. Coatings of two types were synthesized: a magnonic crystal (amorphous Co(P)/fcc Co(P))$_N$ and gradient Co(P) films. They exhibit two different modifications of the spin-wave resonance (SWR) spectrum. In the first case, the SWR spectrum is described as $H_{n}(n)\sim n^2$ with a modification caused by the formation of the first stop band of the magnonic crystal. In the second case, the dependence of resonance fields Hn of the spin-wave modes on mode number $n$ has the form of $H_{n}(n)\sim n^{2/3}$. Thermal annealing leads to crystallization (amorphous alloy $\to$ fcc) and causes transformation of the layered films to the films of single-phase Co–P alloys, which is accompanied by a change in the shapes of the SWR spectra and occurrence of a “exchange kink” spectral modification.