Structure and dielectric properties of polycrystalline multiferroics of Bi$_{1-x}$Sm$_{x}$FeO$_{3}$ ($x$ = 0 – 0.2) system are studied. Using X-ray diffraction, two coexisting phases (rhombohedral $R3c$ and orthorhombic $Pbam$) are found in the nanostructured sample with $x$ = 0.1. Four anomalies characteristic for phase transitions are found near temperatures of $\sim$180, 250, 300$^\circ$C and $T_N$ at $\sim$350$^\circ$C on temperature dependences of permittivity $\varepsilon'(T)$. It is shown that when samarium content is increased, the permittivity $\varepsilon'$ grows and tan$\delta$ decreases.