The paper presents methods for identification of implicit logical-semantic relations (LSR) in parallel texts of the Supracorpora Database (SCDB) of Connectives. The stages of the search process are described based on the Russian–French translations: ($i$) selection of an LSR to be analyzed and creation of an array of annotations of Russian connectives considered as prototypical means for expressing this LSR; ($ii$) analysis of the produced array of annotations and identification of common equivalents for translating Russian connectives into French; ($iii$) utilizing the bilingual search functions of the SCDB with exclusion of Russian connectives annotated during the first stage and with specification of the most frequent French language units identified during the second stage; ($i\nu$) annotation of the pairs of fragments of parallel texts found as the result of the third stage; and ($\nu$) analysis of the array annotations produced at the fourth stage in order to identify and categorize instances of implicit LSR. The proposed SCDB-based search methods make it possible to gather new data on implicit LSRs.