Artificial intelligence (AI) is considered from the point of view of informatics-cybernetic modeling (ICM) of the development process of the self-controlling hierarchical-network system of Humankind as a natural phenomenon, closely associated with the concepts of “cognitive functions of man” and “intellectual activity of *man.” Based on the information-communication-infrastructural component of the AI definition and on ICM, the concept of “human-hardware intellectual unit”' is naturally generalized to all levels/tiers of the Humanity system located in its hierarchy above and below relative to the level/tier of “personality.” As a result, the phenomenon of “personal natural-artificial intelligence” is supplemented by the phenomenon of “hierarchical AI.” Its formation became possible starting from $\sim 1946$ — with the advent of basic information technology (BIT) of computers and took on an explosive character from $\sim 1979$ — with the advent of telecommunication/network BIT. Typical sizes of the ranges of levels/tiers in the hierarchy of the AI of the Humankind system are given (indicated dates and sizes are the result of a model calculation).
Keywords:artificial intelligence, information technology, informatics-cybernetic model, self-controlling hierarchical-network system of Humankind, human-hardware intellectual unit.