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JOURNALS // Izvestiya Instituta Matematiki i Informatiki Udmurtskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta // Archive

Izv. IMI UdGU, 2020 Volume 56, Pages 63–78 (Mi iimi403)

This article is cited in 6 papers


Lyapunov, Perron and upper-limit stability properties of autonomous differential systems

I. N. Sergeev

Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskiye Gory, 1, Moscow, 119991, Russia

Abstract: For a singular point of an autonomous differential system, the natural concepts of its Perron and upper-limit stability are defined, reminiscent of Lyapunov stability. Numerous varieties of them are introduced: from asymptotic and global stability to complete and total instability. Their logical connections with each other are investigated: cases of their coincidence are revealed and examples of their possible differences are given. The invariance of most of these properties with respect to the narrowing of the phase region of the system is established.

Keywords: differential equation, autonomous system, Lyapunov stability, Perron stability, upper-limit stability.

UDC: 517.925.51

MSC: 93D05

Received: 26.08.2020

DOI: 10.35634/2226-3594-2020-56-06

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