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JOURNALS // Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making // Archive

Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2016 Issue 4, Pages 5–14 (Mi iipr299)

Data mining

Models and methods for matching images in the problem of face recognition

Nguyen Duy Thanha, V. M. Khachumovb

a Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
b Institute for Systems Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract: In the article the analysis of the subject area is given and the relevance of the problem of face recognition is proved. Image matching methods with the use of position lines, convolution and invariants under the group of affine transformations for 2D and 3D images are considered. Correct comparison is a necessary stage of the recognition problem solution. Examples of position lines method application for normalizing face images.

Keywords: graphic image, invariant moments, affine transformation, image comparison, recognition.

 English version:
, 2018, 45:5, 360–367

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