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JOURNALS // Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making // Archive

Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2015 Issue 2, Pages 45–52 (Mi iipr322)

Modeling behavior

The solution of the problem of the target following by the autonomous aircraft

M. V. Khachumov

Institute for Systems Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract: The problem of control of the aircraft in the course of following the object (target) moving on a curvilinear trajectory on the pitching plane is solved. The scheme of work of an autonomous control system based on implementation of rules imitating behavior of the pilot according to the current and forecasted states of the aircraft and the target is offered. The general scheme of intelligent control that implements a variety of strategies, rules of pitch angle choice and switching the flight speed is provided. Problems of forecasting the trajectory of target motion using artificial neural networks (ANN) and calculation of the meeting point with the aircraft are solved within the task of following. The task of following the target in the presence of interference in the form of wind load is modelled in the experimental part of work.
The main criterion of control quality is the integrated assessment of deviation of the aircraft trajectory from the target trajectory in the process of following. Aircraft is supposed to have a camera that performs tracking of the potential target.

Keywords: autonomous aircraft, pursuit, intelligent control, control rules, artificial neural network, simulation.

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