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JOURNALS // Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making // Archive

Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2011 Issue 3, Pages 34–47 (Mi iipr468)

Intelligent technologies

A survey on Teamwork of Autonomous Agents: Theories, Frameworks and Specification Languages (Part 2)

V. I. Gorodetsky

St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS

Abstract: Autonomous agents and multi–agent systems research are stimulated, in many respects, by modern robotics. Within the latter, one of the hottest problems is coordination of teamwork of autonomous agents intended for execution of a mission. At the same time, this aspect of multi–agent systems is the source of a number of the most difficult tasks. The paper is devoted to a brief survey on and analysis of the current state–of–the–art concerning with theories (part 1), frameworks and supporting reusable software, as well as to a comparative overview of the languages aimed at specification of the teamwork aspects of autonomous agents (part 2).

Keywords: autonomous agent, teamwork, theory of teamwork, teamwork model, software tool, specification language.

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