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JOURNALS // Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya // Archive

Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 1989 Volume 53, Issue 6, Pages 1206–1235 (Mi im1154)

This article is cited in 21 papers

The Euler beta-function, the Vandermonde determinant, Legendre's equation, and critical values of linear functions on a configuration of hyperplanes. I

A. N. Varchenko

Abstract: When working with a set of linear functions and the configration of hyperplanes they define, one encounters a matrix of multidimensional hypergeometric integrals. We give a formula which expresses the determinant of this matrix in terms of critical values of the linear functions restricted to the configuration.
Bibliography: 26 titles.

UDC: 517.95

MSC: Primary 14H05, 33A35; Secondary 05B30, 14K20, 35G20, 33A15

Received: 26.04.1988

 English version:
Mathematics of the USSR-Izvestiya, 1990, 35:3, 543–571

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