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JOURNALS // Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya // Archive

Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 1979 Volume 43, Issue 4, Pages 892–908 (Mi im1737)

This article is cited in 9 papers

The sum of the values of the divisor function in arithmetic progressions whose difference is a power of an odd prime

M. M. Petechuk

Abstract: For $D=p^m$, with $p$ a fixed odd prime, $D\leqslant x^{3/8-\varepsilon}$ and $(l,D)=1$, the asymptotic formula
$$ \sum_{\substack{n\leqslant x\\n\equiv l\!\!\!\!\pmod D}}\tau_k(n)=\frac{xQ_k(\log x)}{\varphi(D)}+O\biggl(\frac{x^{1-\varkappa}}{\varphi(D)}\biggr), $$
is proved, where $\tau_k(n)$ is the number of positive integer solutions of $x_1\cdots x_k=n$, $Q_k(z)$ is a polynomial of degree $k-1$ in $z$ with coefficients depending on $k$ and $p$, $\varkappa=\min\{\varepsilon/16,\beta/k^3\}$ with $\beta$ a positive constant depending on $p$, and the constant involved in the order $O$ depends on $k$, $p$ and $\varepsilon$.
The proof relies on an idea of A. A. Karatsuba that permits one to solve this problem by means of a scheme for a ternary additive problem.
Bibliography: 10 titles.

UDC: 511

MSC: 10A20

Received: 21.03.1979

 English version:
Mathematics of the USSR-Izvestiya, 1980, 15:1, 145–160

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