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JOURNALS // Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya // Archive

Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 1998 Volume 62, Issue 3, Pages 175–200 (Mi im200)

This article is cited in 19 papers

Dynamics of the supports of energy solutions of mixed problems for quasi-linear parabolic equations of arbitrary order

A. E. Shishkov, A. G. Shchelkov

Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Ukraine National Academy of Sciences

Abstract: We study the geometry of the supports of solutions of the Cauchy–Dirichlet problem for a wide class of quasi-linear degenerate parabolic equations of any order, whose model representative is the equation of non-stationary filtration with non-linear absorption:
$$ \dfrac{\partial}{\partial t}\bigl(|u|^{q-1}u\bigr)-\sum_{i=1}^n\,\dfrac{\partial}{\partial x_i}\biggl(|D_x u|^{p-1}\dfrac{\partial u}{\partial x_i}\biggr)+b_0|u|^{\lambda-1}u=0,\qquad b_0>0,\quad n\geqslant 1. $$
In the cases when $0<\lambda<p\leqslant q$ and $0<\lambda<q<p$, which correspond to “fast” and “slow” diffusion, we find conditions on the behaviour of the initial function $u_0(x)\in L_{q+1}(\Omega)$ in a neighbourhood of the boundary of its support that ensure the effect of finite and infinite inertia of the support of an arbitrary energy solution; these conditions are, in a certain sense, exact. We establish a condition for the reverse motion of the front of the support boundary.

MSC: 35K55

Received: 15.03.1996

DOI: 10.4213/im200

 English version:
Izvestiya: Mathematics, 1998, 62:3, 601–626

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