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JOURNALS // Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya // Archive

Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 1976 Volume 40, Issue 2, Pages 366–387 (Mi im2115)

This article is cited in 23 papers

Parallel addition and parallel subtraction of operators

È. L. Pekarev, Yu. L. Shmul'yan

Abstract: The parallel sum $A:B$ of two invertible nonnegative operators $A$ and $B$ in a Hilbert space $\mathfrak H$ is the operator $(A^{-1}+B^{-1})^{-1}=A(A+B)^{-1}B$. This definition was extended to noninvertible operators by Anderson and Duffin for the case $\dim\mathfrak H<\infty$ and by Fillmore and Williams for the general case.
The investigation of parallel addition is continued in this paper; in particular, associativity is proved.
Criteria are established for solvability of the equation $A:X=S$ with an unknown operator $X$ when $A$ and $S$ are given. In the case of solvability, the existence of a minimal solution $S\div A$, called the parallel difference, is proved.
Parallel subtraction in a finite-dimensional space is considered in the last section.
Bibliography: 11 titles.

UDC: 513.88

MSC: Primary 47D99; Secondary 47A50, 94A20

Received: 11.04.1974

 English version:
Mathematics of the USSR-Izvestiya, 1976, 10:2, 351–370

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