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JOURNALS // Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya // Archive

Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 1970 Volume 34, Issue 3, Pages 501–514 (Mi im2431)

This article is cited in 17 papers

Homotopy invariants of nonsimply connected manifolds. I. Rational invariants

A. S. Mishchenko

Abstract: Invariants of nonsimply connected manifolds are investigated of the same type as the signature of a manifold, or of “higher signature” for manifolds with free Abelian fundamental group, which correspond to the possibility of surgery on a manifold. It is proved that these invariants depend only on the homotopy type of the manifold and a bordism class of manifolds.

UDC: 513.8

MSC: 57Txx, 58E05, 55N22, 57R60

Received: 15.12.1969

 English version:
Mathematics of the USSR-Izvestiya, 1970, 4:3, 506–519

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