We determine essentially all partial differential
equations satisfied by superpositions of tree type and of a further
special type. These equations represent necessary and sufficient
conditions for an analytic function to be locally expressible as an
analytic superposition of the type indicated. The representability
of a real analytic function by a superposition of this type is independent
of whether that superposition involves real-analytic functions or
$C^{\rho}$-functions, where the constant $\rho$ is determined
by the structure of the superposition. We also prove that the function $u$
defined by $u^n=xu^a+yu^b+zu^c+1$ is generally non-representable
in any real (resp. complex) domain as $f\bigl(g(x,y),h(y,z)\bigr)$ with twice
differentiable $f$ and differentiable $g$, $h$ (resp. analytic $f$, $g$, $h$).
Keywords:superposition, essentially all PDEs, rooted trees, Hilbert's 13th problem, minors.