We obtain local inequalities for log canonical thresholds and
multiplicities of movable log pairs. We prove the
non-rationality and birational superrigidity of the following Fano
varieties: a double covering of a smooth cubic hypersurface in
$\mathbb P^n$ branched over a nodal divisor that is cut out by
a hypersurface of degree $2(n-3)\ge 10$; a cyclic triple
covering of a smooth quadric hypersurface in $\mathbb P^{2r+2}$
branched over a nodal divisor that is cut out by a
hypersurface of degree $r\ge 3$; a double covering of a
smooth complete intersection of two quadric hypersurfaces in
$\mathbb P^n$ branched over a smooth divisor that is cut out by
a hypersurface of degree $n-4\ge 6$.