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3 papers
One-dimensional Fibonacci tilings and induced two-colour rotations of the circle
V. G. Zhuravlev Vladimir State Pedagogical University
We study two-colour rotations
$S_\varepsilon(a,b)$ of the unit circle
that take
$x\in[0,1)$ to the point
$\langle x+a\tau\rangle$
$x\in[0,\varepsilon)$ and to
$\langle x+b\tau\rangle$
$x\in[\varepsilon,1)$. The rotations
depend on discrete parameters
$a,b\in\mathbb Z$ and a continuous
$\varepsilon\in[0,1)$ and we choose
$\tau$ to be
the golden ratio
$\frac{1+\sqrt5}2$. We shall show
that the
$S_\varepsilon(a,b)$ have an invariance property:
the induced maps or first-return maps for
$S_\varepsilon(a,b)$ are again two-colour rotations
$S_{\varepsilon'}(a',b')$ with renormalized parameters
$a',b'\in\mathbb Z$.
Moreover, we find conditions under which the induced maps
$S_{\varepsilon'}(a',b')$ have the form
that is, the
$S_\varepsilon(a,b)$ are isomorphic to their induced
maps and thus have another property, namely, that of self-similarity.
We describe the structure of the attractor
of a rotation
$S_\varepsilon(a,b)$ and prove that the restriction
of a rotation to its attractor is isomorphic to a certain family
of integral isomorphisms
$T_\varepsilon$ obtained by lifting the simple
rotation of the circle
$S(x)=\langle x+\tau\rangle$. A corollary is the
uniform distribution of the
$S_\varepsilon(a,b)$-orbits on the attractor
$\operatorname{Att}(S_\varepsilon(a,b))$. We find a connection between
the measure of the attractor
and the frequency distribution function
of points in
$S_\varepsilon(a,b)$-orbits over closed intervals
$[\theta_1,\theta_2]\subset[0,1)$. Explicit formulae for the frequency
$\nu_\varepsilon(\theta_1,\theta_2)$ are obtained in certain cases.
Fibonacci tilings, double rotations of the circle, induced and integral maps, frequency distribution.
MSC: 37E10,
11B85 Received: 20.07.2004
Revised: 03.06.2008