For an algebraic number field $K$ such that a prime $\ell$ splits
completely in $K$, we define a regulator
$\mathfrak R_\ell(K)\in\mathbb Z_\ell$ that characterizes the subgroup
of universal norms from the cyclotomic $\mathbb Z_\ell$-extension of $K$
in the completed group of $S$-units of $K$, where $S$ consists of all
prime divisors of $\ell$. We prove that the inequality $\mathfrak R_\ell(K)\ne0$
follows from the $\ell$-adic Schanuel conjecture and holds for some
Abelian extensions of imaginary quadratic fields. We study the connection
between the regulator $\mathfrak R_\ell(K)$ and the feeble conjecture
on the $\ell$-adic regulator, and define analogues of the Gross regulator.
Keywords:$\ell$-adic regulator, $S$-units, global universal norm,
Schanuel conjecture, Iwasawa theory.