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JOURNALS // Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennaya Matematika i ee Prilozheniya. Tematicheskie Obzory // Archive

Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 2022 Volume 214, Pages 30–36 (Mi into1057)

On a set of $E$-closed classes of multifunctions on a two-element set

A. S. Zinchenko, B. P. Ilyin, V. I. Panteleev, L. V. Ryabets

Irkutsk State University

Abstract: In this paper, we consider closed classes of multifunctions defined on a two-element set and their closure operator based on the composition operator by union and the equality predicate branching operator. We show that the set of multifunctions that does not take the value of zero at any set of variables contains 76 E-closed classes.

Keywords: closure, equality predicate, multifunction, closed set, composition, precomplete set.

UDC: 519.716

MSC: 03B50, 08A99

DOI: 10.36535/0233-6723-2022-214-30-36

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