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JOURNALS // Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovremennaya Matematika i ee Prilozheniya. Tematicheskie Obzory // Archive

Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 2019 Volume 162, Pages 15–24 (Mi into437)

This article is cited in 2 papers

Behavior of coefficients of series of exponents of finite order near the boundary

A. M. Gaisinab, G. A. Gaisinab

a Institute of Mathematics with Computing Centre — Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa
b Bashkir State University, Ufa

Abstract: Let $G$ be a bounded convex domain with a smooth boundary in which a given system of exponents is not complete. For a class of analytic functions in $G$ that can be represented in $G$ by a series of exponents, we examine the behavior of coefficients of the series expansion in terms of the growth order near the boundary $\partial G$. We establish two-sided estimates for the order through characteristics depending only on the indices of the series of exponents and the supporting function of the domain (these estimates are strong). As a consequence, we obtain a formula for calculating the growth order through the coefficients.

Keywords: series of exponents, domain with smooth boundary, behavior near the boundary, order, $R$-order.

UDC: 517.537.7

MSC: 30D10

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