À mathematical (difference) model of the active protection device in real-time for acoustic field in a given subdomain from the influence of sound sources located in additional subdomains is suggested. Algorithm for the timely production of the next control pulse which supports a given during of the process is based on treatment of the information obtained as a result of the proposed synchronous weak noise exploration. The proposed information is available in the current physical measurements. In the paper by the difference potentials method some problems of active control of time-dependent solutions of linear difference equations in three-dimensional domain consisting of two subdomains have been studied. The shape of the domain and the boundary conditions can depend on time. The coefficients may depend on time and spatial coordinates. If the difference problem is a mathematical model of sound propagation, the goal of the control is some changing of the sound field in specified sub-areas, for example a protection of the acoustic field in one of the subdomains from unwanted influence of noise sources in the additional sub-domains.