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JOURNALS // Preprints of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics // Archive

Keldysh Institute preprints, 2011 020, 36 pp. (Mi ipmp126)

This article is cited in 4 papers

Program package MARPLE3D for simulation of pulsed magnetically driven plasma using high performance computing

V. A. Gasilov, S. V. Dyachenko, A. S. Boldarev, O. G. Olkhovskaya, E. L. Kartasheva, G. A. Bagdasarov

Abstract: The paper presents the new application software (code) MARPLE 3D designed in KIAM RAS by means of progressive numerical techniques using unstructured meshes and modern technologies of a workgroup program development. The application score of the code is radiative gasdynamics and dynamics of plasmas driven by a magnetic field. The code is developed with the aim of using the high-performance computing systems to large-scale 3D simulations of problems appearing in experimental Pulsed Power Energetic (PPE) and High Energy Density Plasmas (HEDP). The base model is plasma multiphysics including magnetogasdynamics, dissipative processes and radiative transfer. This is an object-oriented, parallel code designed for scientific simulations using high-performance computing (HPC).The paper provides the description of the code infrastructure as well as a survey of tools used for its design and development. To illustrate the code application we present the results of multiparametric studies a Z-pinch flow, i.e. the rapid matter implosion by magnetic field in a current-carrying plasma.

Keywords: high–performance computing, object–oriented programming, magnetogasdynamics, radiative transfer, magnetically–driven plasma.

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025