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JOURNALS // Preprints of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics // Archive

Keldysh Institute preprints, 1997 078 (Mi ipmp1465)

Optimization of Screening Correction in Difference Model of Stationary Electric Field

D. A. Lesnik, V. S. Ryaben’kii

Abstract: Some questions of optimization of the screening task solution have been considered. A screening simple layer-shaped corrections both located nearby the boundary of area to be shielded and distant were obtained. These corrections include charges with absolute values that remains limited, while absolute values of nonoptimal correction charges increase as O(1/h), where h-step of grid. At the beginning we've briefly represented the difference potential method and general solution of screening task, obtained by V.S. Ryaben'kii.

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025