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JOURNALS // Preprints of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics // Archive

Keldysh Institute preprints, 2021 090, 20 pp. (Mi ipmp3007)

Atomistic modeling of the propagation of the melting/crystallization front for metals based on the generalization of the modified transition state theory

V. I. Mazhukin, A. V. Shapranov, O. N. Koroleva, A. V. Mazhukin

Abstract: Based on the modification of the well-known kinetic model with the Wilson-Frenkel diffusion constraint, a new kinetic model of the propagation velocity of the solid/liquid interface in various metal crystals (fcc - Al, Cu) and (bcc - Fe) has been developed in a wide temperature range, including the range of maximum permissible overheating/subcooling values. Molecular dynamics modeling of melting/crystallization processes of Al, Cu and Fe under deep overheating/overcooling conditions has been performed using 3 interaction potentials of the EAM family. By comparing the simulation results with the data of the modified kinetic model, the interface speed response function in the region of the maximum permissible values of overheating/overcooling in metals is constructed. The temperature dependence of the velocity of the interface is diffusion-limited and is described by the same equation for each metal in the entire temperature range.

Keywords: solid–liquid interface, velocity of the interface, overheating–overcooling, kinetic model, atomistic modeling.

DOI: 10.20948/prepr-2021-90

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025