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JOURNALS // Meždunarodnyj naučno-issledovatel'skij žurnal // Archive

Meždunar. nauč.-issled. žurn., 2017 Issue 5-3(59), Pages 158–161 (Mi irj182)


Frequency dependence of induction currents localization

A. Chernykh

Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astaf'ev

Abstract: The dynamics of changes in the structure of induction currents with increasing frequency of the external quasistationary magnetic field is considered in the paper. A numerical solution of the system of Maxwell’s equations describing the physics of the problem is carried out. The induction currents are determined by the amplitude and the phase shift relative to the external field. Because of the feedbacks caused by Maxwell's equations, induction current have a complex structure, and its distinctive feature is the presence of radial coordinates and frequencies at which the currents in the skin layer move in reverse phase.

Keywords: Maxwell's equations, cylindrical conductor, induction currents, quasistationary magnetic field, phase shift.

DOI: 10.23670/IRJ.2017.59.001

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