Institute of Geology and Nature Management of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Blagoveshchensk, Russia
In this paper, regression and correlation of analysis methods were used to calculate the kinetic parameters of chemical
reactions. The problem of the reaction zone in this work was solved by minimizing the errors of the approximations calculated for
four parametric functions: power and exponential laws, the equations of Avraham and Prout-Tompkins. On the basis of nonlinear
regression models, a generalized linear regression model was created for each of these functions, which allowed developing a
program using three-dimensional variables and developing a test of a number of statistical hypotheses, in particular, the
adequacy of the regression model, the importance of regression coefficients and the practical significance of the regression
model. Verification of these three hypotheses is also carried out for the Arrhenius equation. The results of calculations of the
reaction zones were compared with the results of the determination of the reaction zones by the value of the activation energy.
Keywords:rate constant, diffusion zone, reaction mechanism, nonlinear regression, linear regression, generalized linear regression, procedure.