The paper experimentally investigated the excitation of radial mechanical disturbances in the metal conductors cylindrical and planar geometry arising from mechanical vibrations and the ultrasonic range
discharge current flowing microsecond time interval. In the first case the structure of the experimental setup
It is regarded as a solid state ultrasonic interferometer. As ultrasonic emitters and receivers
wave axially piezoceramic transducers are used. In the second case considered
a metal conductor through which flows the discharge current short circuit is modeled as electrically
exploding conductor, located in the condensed state before the phase transition, and directly to the state
the actual explosion. To register for the radial component of the ultrasonic vibration and mechanical impulse disturbances
electrical discharge short-circuit waveguide used piezoelectric transducer.
Keywords:ultrasonic fluctuations, interferometor, piezoceramical converters, the electric explosion of a conductor.