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JOURNALS // Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics // Archive

Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 2010 Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 46–53 (Mi isu174)

This article is cited in 13 papers


On wavenumbers of plane harmonic type III thermoelastic waves

V. A. Kovaleva, Yu. N. Radaevb

a Moscow City Government University of Management, Chair of Applied Mathematics
b Samara State University, Chair of Continuum Mechanics

Abstract: The present study is devoted to propagation of plane harmonic GNIII-thermoelastic waves by the coupled system of linear equations of motion and heat transport based on the Green & Naghdi theory of thermoelasticity. Analytical findings and exact solutions are primarily related to complex wavenumbers, phase velocities and attenuation coefficients of the plane GNIII-thermoelastic waves. Complete analysis of all analytical branches of the wavenumbers is given. Constitutive inequlities and frequency restrictions which provide a normal behaviour of the plane GNIII-thermoelastic waves are obtained. Limiting cases, including those corresponding to GNI/CTE (the classical theory) and GNII (hyperbolic, thermal energy conserving theory) thermoelasticity, are noted. The paper presents an in-depth analysis of plane thermoelastic waves in the context of GNI, II, III.

Key words: heat transport, GN-thermoelasticity, plane wave, wavenumber, phase velocity, attenuation coefficient, constitutive restriction.

UDC: 539.374

DOI: 10.18500/1816-9791-2010-10-3-46-53

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